Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brave New World

"What afflicted the people in Brave New World was not that they were laughing instead of thinking, but that they did not know what they were laughing about and why they had stopped thinking." The distinction Postman is attempting to make here is that entertainment in and of itself is not the main issue but rather that rational information relayed in the form of entertainment has serious ramifications on our society. This is significantly important because if people do not realize this in our society today, rational, contextual information will greatly decrease, as it already has been doing for quite some time. Not only will people lose the ability to retain continuity in thoughts, but they will also be ignorant of the fact that this calamity is even occuring or why it is occuring. Postman also wants people to understand that entertainment is not all bad, but when it is used as a means to convey "serious" information it can be extremely dangerous.

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